Is this Journey for Me?

At Startup Alchemy, we teach how to transform life challenges into growth, clarity and abundance in your personal and professional life.

You may feel called to Journey 42 if you are:

1. Committed to personal growth and development

2. Interested in a structured program and professional support

3. Curious about ceremonial plant medicine, advanced meditative and somatic practices

Though we attract startup leaders, this is not a prerequisite.

We invite you to watch this short video.

The Journey

The Spring 2023 Journey begins on April 1st, 2023 with an informal dinner in San Francisco.

The apex of the journey is a private, sacred plant medicine retreat from May 18-22nd. The retreat is held at a private oceanside location in Baja California Sur.

If you are interested, we invite you to watch the short video below.

Our team of master practitioners will accompany you in a series of six private, 1:1 sessions.

For those in the San Francisco Bay Area, they will also hold private cacao+music and mushroom ceremonies to introduce you progressively to plant medicine ceremony.

You will also be invited to join the online journey. This cohort-based journey teaches  essential background and practices and builds cohesion within the cohort.

In the video below, Stacy explains how Journey 42's integrated approach uniquely helps you make lasting changes in your personal and professional life.

The Team

Preparation and support are essential ingredients for a rich, meaningful experience with plant medicine ceremony.

As part of this journey, you will receive six 1:1 sessions with our master practitioners throughout the journey. Additional sessions may be scheduled out of pocket.

Click on each team member to learn more.

Stacy Berman, Ph.D.

Sandra Orellana Sears, M.A.

María José Trujillo, M.D.

Frederick Soo, Ph.D.

The Ceremonies

In this journey, participants develop a relationship with plant medicine through a progressive series of four, in-person ceremonies including the Sacred Plant Medicine Retreat.

Cacao and Music Ceremony

The Cacao and Music Ceremony, held by Sandra Sears, introduces ceremonial structure with a gentle, familiar plant medicine (chocolate) and beautiful music.

Psilocybin Mushroom Ceremony

The Psilocybin Mushroom Ceremony, held by Stacy Berman, introduces psychedelics used as medicine, rather than for recreation or escape, in an intimate, fully supported setting.

Sacred Plant Medicine Retreat

The Sacred Plant Medicine Retreat Weekend gives participants their first experience with a multi-night ceremony held by elders from a sacred medicine tradition and lineage.

Closing Integration Ceremony

The Closing Integration Ceremony, held by the team, brings us together in gratitude, solidifies our lessons and learnings, and gives us space and time to enjoy a last moment together as a whole.

Kick-off Dinner
 SF Bay Area
April 1 (Sat)
Cacao and Music Ceremony
 SF Bay Area
April 15 (Sat)
Psilocybin Mushroom Ceremony
 SF Bay Area
April 29 (Sat)
 BCS, Mexico
May 18-22
Closing Integration Ceremony
 SF Bay Area
June 10 (Sat)

The Online Journey

The online, cohort based journey teaches essential background and builds cohesion within the cohort.

The online journey is designed to fit with busy schedules:
1. Readings and exercises are short and focused
2. We record each week's discussion (1 hour) and demonstration (1 hour).

For examples of the style of the course, we invite you to look at  "Life as a Sad Laptop" ,"The Silent H-Bomb" and "The Power of Not Breathing".

For an example of a course module, please look at Setting Intentions.

Week Of
April 2
April 9
April 16
April 23
Compassionate Inquiry
April 30
High Intensity Meditation
May 7
Introduction to Plant Medicine Ceremony
May 14
Break (Retreat)
May 21
Break (Memorial Day)
May 28
Ceremonies of Life and Death
June 4

Suggested Donation

If you have received this invitation, it is through a personal connection - someone believed that this might be a fit for you. We want to make it possible for those who are strongly called to join us in this journey.

Our intention is to put together a cohort that by working together will go deeper than any individual would on their own. We prioritize the fit with the cohort over strictly economic contribution.

For the full Journey, we suggest a $5000 donation. To ensure that the donation is not prohibitively high, approximately 1 in 5 of the participants will receive partial or full scholarship.

The full Journey includes
1. The online course
2. San Francisco Bay Area ceremonies
3. The Baja California Sur retreat, including airfare, meals, lodging, ground transportation and ceremonial donation
4. Six 1:1 personal sessions
5. Scholarship support for other participants in the cohort.

If you can only participate in a subset of the Journey (i.e. can only come to the Baja California Sur ceremony) this is possible. The requirements are that you are able to join the online discussions, and work with Stacy, Sandra and Majo before the ceremony.

We recognize that the full donation may be outside the means of some, or that it may feel uncomfortable to ask for help. We can only help you if you ask. If this is the case, please reach out to us so that we might learn more about your situation and work with you.


We invite you to join our Spring 2023 cohort. We are looking for 5-10 participants.

The journey begins on April 1st, 2023, with retreat from May 18th-22nd, and closing ceremony on June 10th.

Embarking on this journey is an important personal commitment. We encourage you to do your research, reach out and begin a conversation with us, and listen to your intuition and internal compass.

When the time is right, we will be here to accompany you on your journey.

Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to hearing from you.

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