Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremony

Baja California SUR, Mexico

The Elders

We are blessed with the healing presence of Bibana Cancino and Donaldo Silva, who have served the sacred medicine of Yage (Columbian Ayahuasca) in Colombia and South America for more than twenty years.

They are guided and blessed by the grandparents of the Siona Nation of Putumayo in Colombia.

Donaldo and Bibana work with a variety of traditional healing practices in conjunction with the plant medicine, including reiki, Chinese medicine and massage.

Over the past few years, Bibana and Donaldo have worked with a group in Todos Santos to bring the sacred medicine to Baja California Sur. Ceremonies are conducted year round in La Ventana, Todos Santos and elsewhere in Mexico.

In the accompanying interview, Donaldo and Bibiana speak about their experiences in bringing the medicine to Baja California Sur.

The Ceremony

The ceremony is held privately with participants from the course, instructors, the elders and the support team.

Prior to the ceremony, participants are interviewed by Bibiana and Donaldo about past history, health issues and intention.

Each of the two nights of ceremony consists of an opening discussion circle, two servings of the medicine, and a closing discussion circle. Partiticpants rest during the day between the two ceremonies.

All interviews and discussions are translated between Spanish and English.

Ceremony begins in late evening and closes in late morning. Sacred rituals and music are performed throughout the ceremony. A limpieza or cleansing ritual is performed for newcomers after the first cup, and sacred medicine music is performed after the second cup and into the morning.

Our course physician will attend the ceremony, and will have medical details of each participant in case of emergency.

The Setting

The ceremony is held on a private property in Baja California Sur, overlooking the Gulf of California.

The ceremonial circle is set on a protected bluff above the ocean. At the base of the bluff are natural hot springs and a coral reef. The ocean is calm and can be enjoyed in all seasons. The desert vegetation includes cardon, copal, torote and other indigenous plants.

The desert climate of Baja California Sur is warm and dry for ten months of the year. In the winter, night-time temperatures may fall as low as 50 F, so participants are advised to dress warmly and in layers. Hurricanes arrive in August and September.

A highlight of the site is the sunrise and moonrise above the ocean, dark nighttime sky for planet, star and meteor viewing, and the dramatic cloud systems common to the area. The sounds of the ocean and the abundant wildlife provide a constant accompaniment and connection to nature.

The accompanying video provides a short overview of the ceremonial site.


The site is located approximately 2.5 hours north of Los Cabos International Airport, a 3 hour flight from San Francisco.

Participants will arrive on Thursday, sit in ceremony on Friday and Saturday nights, and return on Monday.

Airfare from the SF Bay Area, transportation and lodging are included as part of the course.

Participants will stay in shared lodging near the ceremony site. Each participant will have a private room.

The nearby town of La Ventana is a top 10 global kitesurfing destination. There are a number of restaurants and stores in town for meals and snacks. Dollars are accepted, and ATM machines will work with credit or debit cards.

Map of Baja California Sur with route from Los Cabos International Airport to El Sargento marked, 2 hours and 47 minutes.