Where does the name Startup Alchemy come from?
Startup Alchemy symbolizes:
Startup - embracing the uncertainty and mystery of building something authentic and living it
Alchemy - transforming challenges and crises into growth, clarity and abundance.
Although many people who are interested in this course are also involved in startups, this is not a prerequisite.
Why do you call it a Journey and not a Course?
We want to emphasize the personal, individual aspect of this program. We meet you where you are, and emphasize that it is your choice of what you want to do with your time, energy and commitment.
Why do you emphasize ceremony so much?
Many people have encountered plant medicine (tobacco, LSD, etc) outside of a ceremony setting, using it recreationally or as ways to manage symptoms. In many cases there are mixed outcomes, including addiction, confusion, fear of bad trips, etc. We do not judge this usage. In this journey, however, we work with plant medicines (and really any of the practices) in a ceremonial context - meaning that there is structure, intention, and guidance from previous experience, it is oriented towards healing and growth, openness to the outcome (as opposed to what happens in theatre or performance, in which the outcome is largely anticipated and controlled), and the active participation of everyone involved (versus again, a performer and a passive audience). These set the conditions for authentic growth and development.
Is 42 a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy?
Yes! It is both mysterious and a joke. It also evokes the discrete rules in the Game of Life - which Stephen Wolfram uses to argue can be used to understand why our universe and our consciousness is the way it is. With laughter and love.
What made you decide to write this Journey?
We wondered, how might we explain this Silicon Valley engineer? That became Life as a Sad Laptop. As we continued having fun writing, we found that much of what we came up with was good not only for engineers, but for anyone who enjoys learning the nitty gritty of things, and that writing the Journey also brought a deeper understanding of the process for ourselves.
Who might be attracted to this program?
Although there are many people who would potentially benefit from our program, there is a small subset of people who are open and ready for an holistic approach, and see the value in a structured, personalized introduction. We want to give them the full support they need when they go for it. Each participant decides when they are ready for the journey. We provide the opportunity.
How do you know each other?
We have worked together on several projects, including a women's retreat, music and art projects. We've sat in ceremony together, in Baja and elsewhere. We have a common thread of loving the magic that comes with the medicine and these practices, and wanting to share it with others.
What if I'm unsure about this Journey?
Please come and talk with us! A big part of what we've learned over the years is that trust must be built incrementally. The most important part of that is trust is in yourself. This comes from talking with people, trying things out and seeing how you feel. You'll know when you are ready for the course. We'll be here.
What if I'm not in the San Francisco Bay Area?
Please come and talk with us! We are learning as we go. The original concept was to have a unified online and progressive experiential sequence - hence the in-person ceremonies. But every person's needs are different. Some may be comfortable sitting in the online part and coming in for the retreat only, whereas others will want to work their way up through the ceremonies and get to know people personally. What is most important to us is that you have an opportunity to participate in a way that works for you.
What if my schedule is crazy busy?
First, we are grateful that you are considering this course!
Second, we totally understand, and want to work with you so that you might participate.
Although we encourage full participation, we leave it to each participant to decide what will help them most. The 1:1 sessions can be scheduled independently. The online portion is designed for a flexible, minimal time commitment, and will be recorded so you can catch up if you can't make it. We have pre-set the dates for the in-person session so that participants can plan around them. The most important in-person sessions are the mushroom ceremony, the retreat and the closing ceremony.